取向 转学


We are thrilled that you will be coming to Westmont.

As a transfer student we know that you are not new to college, 然而,你是新来的,我们很高兴能向你学习,并让你适应威斯蒙特. 请计划参加8月份的新生迎新活动,在那里你将认识其他转学同学和其他新生,并熟悉威斯蒙特的传统和资源.

One of our goals for 取向 is to help prepare you for 学术 success. We also hope you will begin to feel known and cared for in the Westmont Community.

As you prepare to arrive be sure to review the Westmont路线图.

另外,要注意 第一年经验 网页上有ag娱乐官网我们为新生提供的不同机会和资源的想法.


We are thrilled you are coming to Westmont.





Transfers are expected to attend new student 取向 in August. 虽然你对大学并不陌生, 我们想把你培养成关系型的, 学术, and personal thriving during your time at Westmont. 我们渴望您分享您过去大学经历的各个方面,这将为您过渡到威斯蒙特大学提供信息.

在方向, 你将被分配到一个由其他转校生组成的小组,有一个专门的转校生指导小组组长. 在培训期间,您将与该小组会面三次,以建立关系并为您在威斯蒙特大学的时间挖掘宝贵的资源. 还会有一些会议,让所有新的转学生见面,听取我们的学生生活工作人员的意见,然后是一个冰淇淋社交活动,在那里你会遇到来自住宿生活和学生会的上层学生领袖。. 学术部门将在迎新期间举办开放日活动,在那里你可以与教师见面,了解更多你感兴趣的专业. 最后, 教师将在办公时间提供服务,您可以在那里完成任何课程选择问题,并根据需要讨论主要要求.

迎新小组 is very excited to welcome you to campus, 了解你, and serve you as you make the transition to Westmont!

我们渴望支持你. 如果你有任何问题, please do not hesitate to contact one or more of the following departments

注册商 的 注册商's Office can help you with transfer credit processing inquiries, scheduling classes and other 学术 advising questions.
安吉拉似幻学生参与主任 安吉拉指导方向 & 监督校园生活. She can help you find ways to connect and get involved on campus.
学生成功中心 学生成功中心提供免费的同伴指导,帮助学生应对大学经历的挑战, 课堂内外都有.

If you're interested in studying abroad -- whether that be for a semester, 或Mayterm, the 校外项目 Office can help you plan and prepare.

图书馆 图书馆的研究服务台很乐意为您的研究项目咨询提供帮助, 并帮助你找到资源. 他们还提供 辅导 特定的韦斯特蒙特课程.
残疾人服务 的 Office of 残疾人服务 supports, 鼓励和促进每位残疾学生的学业和个人发展. 他们将讨论住宿问题。, 以及教育策略, that will equalize every students' opportunity to thrive.
你的RDs 请随意拜访他们. 他们是来找你的.
你的拉 韦斯特蒙特以其ag娱乐官网而闻名. 的 RA process is very selective, and your RAs truly want to 了解你.


作为一名转学或联营学生,你将有许多不同于一年级学生的经历. 你们中的一些人已经有时间适应大学生活和远离家人的自由. Yet you will be entering the culture of a new campus. 在听取了许多转学生和财团学生的意见后,我们提供以下建议:


No doubt you have heard that Westmont is an 学术ally rigorous place. 我们的许多转学学生表示,与以前的学校相比,他们最终读了更多的书,花了更多的时间学习. To help in this adjustment, 在这里 are some words of advice:

  • 利用学习小组
  • Don’t schedule 太 many extra-curricular commitments (15 hours maximum)
  • Talk to your professors (during office hours) and to fellow students
  • Take advantage of 辅导 available through the library


韦斯特蒙特是一个伟大的ag娱乐官网,人们倾向于在这里建立深厚的、通常是终身的联系. But 这些 connections take time to grow and develop. 我们会帮助你认识各种各样的人,但这里有一些想法可以帮助你建立联系: 

  • 参加迎新活动! Al虽然 it may seem like you don’t need to, you will meet tons of people. It is also a great opportunity to get to know the culture of the campus.
  • 了解你的住宿助理(R.A.) & 迎新组长. 的se people are eager to meet you and connect you with others.
  • 加入一个 俱乐部. Westmont has close to 50 student 俱乐部s for a variety of student interests. Often, the commitment to join a 俱乐部 is modest but the payoff is great. 

Remember, it can take time to develop close connections. Getting engaged in Campus Life is one of the best ways to develop 这些 connections.


1. 和你的导师谈谈: Your professors at Westmont also serve as your advisors. 他们才华横溢,充满智慧,并渴望与你一起走过你的威斯蒙特之旅.

2. 了解教职员工: Westmont's Student Government, WCSA, is proud to sponsor a 程序 that allows students to get to know their professors by treating them to lunch.

“不要害怕和教授交谈. Some students flush like strawberries when a professor asks a simple question. 放松. 呼吸. A professor has to eat and shower up, just like you" (Dr. 兰德尔·J. 范德梅(英语教授)

3. 参与“高影响力”的活动 如:出国留学、实习、教师研究、高级顶点课程或高级研讨会

胡佛,埃里克. " Complexity of Counseling 转学." 高等教育编年史. 2011年6月1日.
特里斯,本. " Transfers Are Less Likely To Take Part in 'High Impact' Activities." 高等教育编年史. 11月8日.

To get a job on campus or in the community, visit 握手. 更多信息,请访问 COVE就业中心.

你需要带上 这些 随身携带的物品.

Go 在这里 来阅读韦斯特蒙特大学对圣经和神学多样性基础的ag娱乐官网承诺.

跨文化项目办公室(ICP)是一个非常好的资源,在这里为你提供支持. 有多个跨文化组织(ICOs)旨在为有色人种学生创建ag娱乐官网,并为种族问题研究机构提供教育, 正义与公平:



Global and 国际 Students Association (GISA)




有关ICP办公室、跨文化组织和参与方式的更多信息,请点击 在这里.

你是一名正式的韦斯特蒙特战士. 现在?

Please click on the links below to learn more about:

  1. Westmont的计划 & 资源

  2. 探索圣巴巴拉

  3. 101 Things to Do at Westmont Before You Graduate
  4. 你知道吗?...? |韦斯特蒙历史


的 Westmont的计划 & 资源 list is a great way to learn what Westmont offers its students. Please take note of the year-long student leader opportunities.

If I have a specific question about credit transfer, who do I contact?

Sonya Welch是注册办公室的学术支持服务协调员,她会帮助你解决你可能遇到的任何转学分问题. 她的邮箱是swelch@hebhgkq.com


请参考 转职支援小组 tab to get a list of the Transfer Support team.

How to determine 学术 class standing:


  • 第一年如果有0-25个单位
  • 第二年如果有26-58个单位
  • 第三年是59-91单位
  • 第四年如果超过92个单位

必须完成至少124个学期单元才能获得文学学士学位或理学学士学位. More information on page 25 of the Course Catalog

新生静修会 (NSR)是给我的?

是的! 当然欢迎你来参加. Though a majority of the participants are first year students, 我们希望在这次静修期间为您提供一个了解其他转学生的机会. You can click on the link above for more info.

Are transfers allowed to get parking permits?

Eligibility for parking permit privileges is primarily based on class standing. If you have junior or senior class standing, you are eligible for a parking permit. If you have sophomore class standing, you may request a restricted permit. 被建议, 虽然, that restricted permits are very limited, 拥有大二的学籍并不能保证你就能获得限制性的签证. For more information on parking permit eligibility, please click 在这里.


布里安娜从旧金山州立大学转学了大一的春季学期. 她主修音乐, but she’s been able to take a lot of the math and science courses 在这里, 太, 她很喜欢. 

Here are some 虽然ts and tips for incoming transfers:

  • 转学可能是一个可怕的过程, 但我对你的帮助印象深刻, 乐于助人的, and personal the faculty and staff were in helping me through that process. 甚至开学几周后,他们还努力观察我的转变情况.
  • People are really excited to meet and befriend transfers! 在进入校园之前, 我想我必须非常努力地去认识并向新朋友介绍自己, 一直以来, 希望能交到新朋友. But what I found instead was that more often, others would realize that I was new or that we hadn't met before, and they would approach or introduce themselves first!
  • Transferring to Westmont was the best decision I made, and I am so glad that Westmont is my college, 还有我的家. Each transfer has a specific reason(s) for transferring, (and I'm always open to sharing about those reasons!), but all transfer students share the desire to find the school that's best for them, 他们觉得自己属于哪里.


史蒂文从一所ag娱乐官网大学毕业后,转学到韦斯特蒙特大学读大三. He is majoring in Social Science with an emphasis in Political Science, and plans to attend graduate school after college. Steven评论说, “韦斯特蒙是一种学习, 生活, and thriving community that holds Christ at the center of all we do. 我非常重视文科教育的严谨性和质量,我相信你也会如此!"


  • 了解你的课程如何转换. 与注册处核对,确保所有需要转班的班级都以正确的方式转班. 这将省去许多麻烦,并确保顺利过渡到Westmontag娱乐官网.
  • Explore the different faith traditions at Westmont. Don't shy away from questions of faith on campus; the community enjoys learning from each other and growing with each while retaining their individual faith identity.
  • 了解韦斯特蒙希望毕业生在完成学业后成为什么样的人. 阅读是一个很好的开始, “我们对毕业生的期望是什么??”
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