Outstanding Graduates 政治科学




在学术上, 迦勒Liebengood '23 is nothing short of exceptional. 他既有敏锐的分析头脑,又有探索棘手问题的强烈好奇心. 凯莱布是个精明的思考者,善于倾听,说话前会仔细考虑. But when he does speak or write, his classmates listen. In today’s hyperpolarized world, 凯勒是少有的既能坚持原则又能欢迎他人加入谈话的人之一.




汉娜格里尔生家族的 '22 is a truly exceptional student and an even better person. While she possesses considerable intellectual firepower, she is extremely humble and always willing to learn from others. 汉娜以各种方式为我们的ag娱乐官网服务,其中最重要的是作为WCSA主席. She also has a global vision, serving as an “Advocacy Chair for Strong Women” for World Vision, interning with USAID, and teaching English to refugees.




奥利维亚Reichwald '21 exemplifies the best qualities of a Westmont student. 她的ag娱乐官网是不变的,在她的学术驱动,并致力于服务和领导. 奥利维亚沉思的天性和她培养天赋的强烈职业道德使她的见解对她的同学和教授都很有吸引力. 在学术上,她被描述为敬业、勤奋、分析和专注. Olivia is not afraid to ask hard questions, to explore unfamiliar topics, or to 深思熟虑的ly draw together her thinking about faith and politics. 奥利维亚从不主导课堂对话,但当她说话时,人们都会倾听. 就我个人而言, Olivia is welcoming, 温暖的, 快乐的, 友好的, and kind—a natural, 尽管谦逊的, 领袖. 我们会想念她的!


 Chena Underhill and   玛迪Weicht

 Chena Underhill '20 exemplifies a 快乐的 love of learning, bringing real enthusiasm to each and every topic she pursues. And her interests are broad! As a true “liberal artist,“中国在很多学科上都很熟练——不仅仅是她的政治学和数据分析双学位——而是在整个课程中,尤其是她对教育领域的兴趣日益浓厚. 但她的热情绝不是不加批判的:她提出了尖锐的问题——以她特有的快乐好奇心推翻了传统智慧. Outside of the classroom, 作为田径队的撑杆跳高运动员,中国带来了她的快乐强度, her service as 政治科学 teaching and reSearch assistant, and volunteering in her church. Chena is a scholar, an athlete, a servant, a 领袖—and we will miss her.

 Still waters run deep, and so too with Maddie. 麦迪·威特,20岁 表现出严肃的智力火力,但从不好斗或居高临下. Maddie has that rare ability to be curious, 深思熟虑的, and cognitively flexible, 同时坚持自己的信念,不随波逐流,不随波逐流. 她善于提出深刻的问题,促进深入的讨论,并在她出色的写作中结出硕果. Maddie exemplifies grace and 智慧 beyond her years. When Maddie speaks, people listen. 在课堂内外,她的同龄人都认为她是一个天生的领导者. Maddie’s intellectual capacity, 善良, 智慧, 和慷慨的精神让我们自豪地称她为威斯特蒙特大学的学生和政治科学专业的学生.



哈娜·伊斯坎达,19岁, who led a youth group at Montecito Covenant, built 首页s with Habitat for Humanity and worked with at-risk kids in Egypt, is filled with a passion for life, learning and people, according to her professors. “Her energy and enthusiasm abound, 无论是在课堂上——她以她的坦率和幽默以及她的智慧而闻名——还是在她为ag娱乐官网服务的众多活动中,” says Jesse Covington, chair of the political science department.

依斯干达, who wants to pursue a career in law, says she has always had a passion for people and justice.

“我在韦斯特蒙特大学的三年里,最好的部分是老师们如何设法将每堂课的内容与耶稣基督联系起来,这是我从未预料到的,她说。. “在以基督为中心的老师们的包围下,我的ag娱乐官网以难以置信的方式增长了, 工作人员和朋友. 尽管在很多课上我都遇到了挑战,但我想不出任何一门课我不喜欢.”

She says living so close to the beach was also a blessing. “韦斯特蒙真的有家的感觉,这可能是我最喜欢和最想念的地方,她说。.



休Grant-Chapman '18, 谁获得富布赖特奖学金在台湾担任英语助教, was one of three students who interviewed Gen. Michael Hayden at convocation following the Westmont President’s Breakfast. 他用复杂的计量经济学分析来调查发展中国家移民和经济增长之间的关系, 与汤姆·克内特教授共同撰写了一篇ag娱乐官网ag娱乐官网和美国法庭交集的论文, and served as the department’s teaching and reSearch assistant. 他说:“我很高兴能让自己沉浸在一个不同的文化和ag娱乐官网中。. “The island I will be living on is small and close-knit, and the ties of community are apparently very strong. 我期待着提高我的普通话口语能力,并在日常生活中使用它们.”



During her time at Westmont, 兼总经理亚历山德拉Nieuwsma '17 was known for her excellent academic work—for her careful reading of texts, diligent 准备, classroom engagement, and 集中 writing. Embracing the liberal arts, Alexandra played the harp in the Westmont Orchestra, 自愿加入萨纳雷高级事工,将音乐带到辅助生活中心, and wrote op-eds for the Horizon student newspaper. 亚历山德拉仅用两年半的时间就完成了她在韦斯特蒙特的教育,因此她的成就更加令人印象深刻. 亚历山德拉目前是著名的乔治P. 舒尔茨学者、斯坦福大学胡佛研究所资深法官亚伯拉罕·索费尔.



Jarrett卡特林’s ('16) professors describe his work as “outstanding,” “unequivocally excellent,” and reflecting “a keen analytical…mind.” Beyond his exceptional academic performance, Jarrett’s involvements reflect vibrant intellectual curiosity, a passion for politics, and a deep concern for people. One professor described Jarrett as thinking “with his head and his heart.贾勒特与人共同创立了韦斯特蒙特大学的“融合俱乐部”(Convergence Club),旨在促进对具有挑战性的政治问题的参与和民间讨论. Jarrett partnered with Dr. Knecht开始研究加州水资源政治这个枯燥的话题,并想出了一个巧妙的解决危机的办法:多下雨. Jarrett提前完成了他的课程,以便于2016年春季在伊斯坦布尔的韦斯特蒙特领导团队任职.


An analytically gifted scholar, 汉娜16年初 is exceptionally bright, 集中, 和勤奋的, and has assisted the department with reSearch since her first year. She has worked with Dr. Knecht在一个项目中研究了美国国会业余候选人的选举成功情况.S. House of Representatives, 主动研究并寻找新的创新方法来收集业余候选人的数据. Hannah’s writing skills and incisive intellect are impressive, as are her maturity and strong interpersonal skills. Hannah conducted a major honors project on USAID vs. U.S. Aid: The Limited Effectiveness of U.S. Legal Aid to IsraelPalestine’s “New Legal Space,” an applied policy study of great relevance to the discipline.



索菲娅Meulenberg '15 is deeply engaged, disciplined, 深思熟虑的, and brilliant. A Monroe Scholar with a formidable intellect, Sophia has done graduate-level work since the day she arrived at Westmont. 她天生具有敏锐和探究分析的头脑,这与她非常强烈的职业道德相匹配. 她的写作, 准备, in-class participation, 所有的考试都非常出色,为其他学生树立了追求的标准. Sophia worked for the department as a phenomenally talented teaching and reSearch assistant; Professor Knecht was so impressed with Sophia’s abilities that he asked her to co-author a professional paper with him. 索菲亚是一个令人愉快的人,对别人有同情心,是我们教过的最好的学生之一. We look forward to her bright future working in international diplomacy. 

Sophia was one of 30 selected as a Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellow. 她于2018年秋季进入乔治城大学(Georgetown University)攻读外交服务硕士学位, and will complete a domestic internship at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., and an overseas internship at a U.S. embassy before working for the State Department upon graduation. She served with the Peace Corps in Senegal from 2016 to 2017.