U.S. 授予学位项目

Enables students or recent alumni with exceptional artistic or creative promise and significant financial need to pursue up to three years of study at an accredited graduate institution in the US or abroad. 


The 哈维研究员计划 provides financial support to Christian students who are pursuing graduate studies at premier institutions in fields considered to be underrepresented by Christians and who possess a unique vision to impact society through their vocations.


医学研究人员计划 - supports a year of full-time biomedical reSearch training for medical, 牙科, 兽医专业的学生.
International Student 研究 Fellowships Program - offers three-year fellowships to international students to support years three, 四个, 五个博士学位.D. 程序. Eligible biomedical-related fields include biology, 化学, 物理, 数学, 计算机科学, 工程, and plant biology—as well as interdisciplinary reSearch.

Funding for up to two years funding for doctoral or Master’s of Fine Arts study in selected fields of arts, 人文学科, 以及社会科学.


Funding for graduate study for prospective secondary teachers in American history, 美国政府, 和/或社会研究.


Provides funding and mentoring for a cohort of 16 graduates of Lilly Fellows Program Network Schools (including Westmont) who are entering Ph.D. or equivalent graduate 程序s in 人文学科 and arts at schools of their choosing and who are interested in becoming teacher-scholars at church-related colleges and universities in the United States. Initial application due to Westmont mid-October in the year before graduate studies begin. 联系教授. Lisa De Boer (deboer@hebhgkq.com).


Provides funding for graduate education in the sciences.


Provides funding for the first year of graduate or professional school. Must be a member of Westmont's Phi Kappa Phi and be nominated by Westmont. 联系教授. 帕蒂·亨特(phunter@hebhgkq.com)查阅更多资料.


Provides funding for graduate study in in international relations, 公共管理, 可持续发展, 和平研究, 解决冲突, 或相关领域.

美国的这个项目.S. Department of Defense provides full-tuition scholarships, 津贴, book and health insurance allowance for undergraduate and graduate students at the institutions of their choice for the study of a discipline in the sciences. Recipients commit to work as civilians in a Department of Defense laboratory upon completion of their degree.


Supports up to two years of graduate study – in any field and in any advanced degree-granting 程序 in the United States, for students younger than 31 who meet the definition of a New American.


Provides funding for students pursuing graduate degrees for careers in government, 非营利或倡导部门, education or elsewhere in the public service fields. 学生必须在大三期间申请.

Students interested in these fellowships should begin putting together an application during the fall of their junior year. Applications are due to Westmont in early January. 联系教授. 帕蒂·亨特(phunter@hebhgkq.com).


Several 程序s supporting graduate study for prospective teachers, students pursuing careers in foreign service or in conservation and environmental fields.



The Davies-Jackson奖学金 presents a unique opportunity for students with exceptional academic records, who are the first in their families to graduate college, 参加…的学习课程 St. 约翰的大学 他在剑桥大学工作. 即将毕业的大四学生可以申请两年制B.A. 学位课程.


Supports full-time graduate study and reSearch in any subject available 他在剑桥大学工作.


Supports two years of graduate study at any British university, available only to U.S. citizens who hold a first degree from an accredited 四个-year college or university in the United States.

Students interested in these fellowships should begin putting together an application during the spring of their junior year. Applications are due to Westmont in early September of the year before the grant. 联系教授. 艾利斯特·查普曼(chapman@hebhgkq.com).


A highly competitive award that funds two years of study at the University of Oxford, 有可能续签第三年. 

Students interested in these fellowships should begin putting together an application during the spring of their junior year. Applications are due to Westmont in early September of the year before the grant. 联系教授. 艾利斯特·查普曼(chapman@hebhgkq.com).


支持你.S. graduate students to add an international and language component to their education through specialization in area study, 语言学习, or increased language proficiency; available for selected areas of the world, 包括非洲, 亚洲, 中央 & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin American, and the Middle East.


U.S. 学位项目

Provides one-year fellowships to uniquely qualified graduating seniors and individuals who have graduated during the past academic year. 卡内基青年研究员在华盛顿工作, DC, as reSearch assistants to the Endowment's senior associates.



学习/研究经费 Funding to carry out a reSearch project for one year in a country other than the United States, with the possibility of taking courses at a university.

英语助教奖学金 Funding to teach English for one year in a country other than the United States, usually while carrying out a small reSearch project or community engagement activity.

Students interested in these fellowships should begin putting together an application during the spring of their junior year. Applications are due to Westmont in early September of the year before the grant. 联系教授. 雷·罗森特拉特(rosentr@hebhgkq.com)

Funding to study in any discipline for one year in institutions of higher learning in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
