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Deborah: Unlikely Heroes and the Book of Judges

Sandra Richter Deborah Cover

《ag娱乐官网》讲述了以色列历史上最混乱、道德最黑暗的时代之一. 许多人说它是以色列的“狂野西部”,英雄和恶棍只有几英寸的距离. 在这个道德模棱两可的时代,圣经文本中最不可能的领导者之一——先知底波拉出现了. She is a wife and mother in an entirely patriarchal world, yet due to her integrity and courage, 她将混乱转化为秩序,并领导以色列取得了殖民时期最关键的胜利之一.

Illustrating the era of the Judges by means of the archaeological record, 历史地理学, and the hard facts of warfare in the ancient world, this study draws students immediately into the grand tale of Deborah and Barak, 耶宾和西西拉, and of course the most unlikely of leaders, 雅亿.

The Crucibles That Shape Us: Navigating the Defining Challenges of 领导

The Crucibles That Shape Us: Navigating the Defining Challenges of 领导

We often see setbacks and disasters as events that keep us from our best life. But they're really opportunities to grow in leadership.

苦难的问题是许多人的精神障碍,使我们和我们领导的人迷失方向. 盖尔维. Beebe tackles the existential crisis head-on, 显示, although we are bewildered at first, these situations ultimately prepare us. Previously viewing these challenges as insurmountable, he has come to recognize them as essential passageways in our relationship with God.

Beebe identifies seven crucibles—powerful catalysts for transformation—that, 当拥抱, shape us on this profound journey. Each chapter of this book delves into one of the crucibles, which Beebe intimately understands and has personally faced. Amid the realities of life's suffering, 使用这本有启发性的指南,你会发现巨大的挫折如何成为更好的基石, 丰富的ag娱乐官网.



Drawing on his experiences in Berlin under Schleiermacher and his travels to the Vatican, 门德尔松, as the Director of Prussian Church Music, 想要提供一个有启发性的敬拜体验,大型合唱作品将成为礼拜仪式不可或缺的一部分, which he saw as a performative or representational act, centered around the life of Christ. Yet he quickly realized that the court and clergy were not interested in his foundational concepts; they merely wanted reforms based on the restauration ideals espoused by Winterfeld and Thibaut. 本《ag娱乐官网》对门德尔松25首《ag娱乐官网》(Domchor)作品及其修订的分析,记录了门德尔松风格的发展,以及他在严格规定的范围内继续提供基督崇拜体验的能力. 柏林Domchor及其门德尔松和同时代作曲家的新曲目迅速成为整个新教德国新兴无伴奏合唱运动的典范.

South Asia's Christians: Between Hindu and Muslim

South Asias Christians Between Hindu and Muslim

South Asia is 首页 to more than a billion Hindus and half a billion Muslims. But the region is also 首页 to substantial Christian communities, some dating almost to the earliest days of the faith. 南亚基督徒的故事对于理解世界基督教不断变化的轮廓至关重要, 正是因为他们与其他宗教传统成员的互动历史. 在这个广阔的世界里, accessible overview of South Asian Christianity, Chandra Mallampalli展示了基督教在印度教徒和穆斯林之间的位置是如何塑造ag娱乐官网的.

Mallampalli begins with a discussion of South India's ancient Thomas Christian tradition, 他们与西亚的波斯基督徒互动,并与他们的印度教和穆斯林邻居一起繁荣了几个世纪. 然后,他强调了罗马天主教和新教传教士为了解南亚社会的转变所做的努力. The publication of books and tracts about other religions, 各宗教间的辩论, and aggressive preaching were central to these endeavours, but rarely succeeded at yielding converts. 而不是, they played an important role in producing a climate of religious competition, which ultimately marginalized Christians in Hindu-, 穆斯林, and Buddhist-majority countries of post-colonial South Asia.

Illness, Pain, and Health Care in Early Christianity

Illness, Pain, and Health Care in Early Christianity

What did 疼痛 and illness mean to early Christians? 他们的医疗保健方法与古希腊罗马世界相比如何?

In this wide-ranging interdisciplinary study, Helen Rhee examines how early Christians viewed illness, 疼痛, 以及他们的观点是如何受到犹太教和基督教传统以及更大的古代世界环境的影响的. 在她的分析中, Rhee places the history of medicine, 古希腊罗马文学, 以及古代哲学与早期基督教文学的建设性对话,以阐明早期基督徒的理解, 拨款, 从公元2世纪到6世纪,罗马和拜占庭对健康和整体的概念进行了重新构想.

Utilizing the contemporary field of medical anthropology, 李承晚生病了, 疼痛, and health care as sociocultural matters. Through this and other methodologies, she explores the theological meanings attributed to illness and 疼痛; the religious status of those suffering from these and other afflictions; and the methods, 系统, and rituals that Christian individuals, 教堂, and monasteries devised to care for those who suffered. Rhee的发现最终为基督徒如何开始形成一个独特的身份提供了一个启发性的一瞥——既作为他们的希腊罗马世界的一部分,也作为他们的一部分.

灵魂的朝圣之旅: Knowing God in Everyday Life


I invite you to go on a pilgrimage. A pilgrimage is a journey with a sacred goal. The sacred goal I have in mind for you is knowing God. Perhaps you’re already on that pilgrimage. 也许你已经认识神了. If so, I invite you to know God better.
A literal religious pilgrimage involves going to a place. 在基督教传统中, pilgrims have journeyed to such places as Jerusalem, 罗马, 圣地亚哥·德孔波斯特拉. Going to these places requires moving your body to them.
But the pilgrimage I’m inviting you to start—or continue—is a pilgrimage for your soul. Your purpose on this pilgrimage will be to get your soul closer to God.
A pilgrimage is something you do. 在真正的朝圣之旅中,你必须长时间保持身体朝着同一个方向运动. Doing so requires using and caring for your body.
On a soul pilgrimage, you have to keep your soul directed toward God for a long time. 这样做需要通过参与各种精神实践来使用和照顾你的灵魂. 你会接受我的邀请吗? Will you join my wife Jennifer and me on this soul pilgrimage?

The Samaritan Woman's Story: Reconsidering John 4 After #ChurchToo

The Samaritan Woman's Story Reconsidering John 4 After #ChurchToo

大多数基督徒都听过约翰福音4章对撒玛利亚妇人的熟悉描述:她是一个罪人, 一个淫妇, 即使是妓女. 纵观教会历史, the woman at the well has been seen narrowly in terms of her gender and marital history. 我们在这个故事中遗漏了什么? 我们对这段经文的解释对教会里的男人和女人有什么不同? 瑞恩一个评论. Reeder calls us to see the Samaritan woman in a different light. Beginning with the reception history of John 4, 她把读者对女性和性的假设纠缠在一起的层层解释拉回原处. She then explores the story's original context, 描述了一世纪女性的生活以及对婚姻和离婚的期望. 有了这个清晰的镜头, 里德对这段经文的注释,对福音书中ag娱乐官网井边的女人说了什么和没有说什么,产生了令人耳目一新的见解.

Joyful Resilience as Educational Practice: Turning Challenges Into Opportunities

教书是一项艰苦的工作. 教学是有回报的工作. An abundance of reSearch on teachers’ mental health, 教师职业倦怠, and attrition in the profession has proven the truth of the first claim. 和, without reading a word of academic reSearch, 教师知道第二个真理:在这个崇高的职业中有无数的挑战和复杂性. 教师们也知道我们第二个主张的真相——教书是一份非常有价值的工作. While teaching is one of the most demanding professions on earth, it is also one of the most rewarding professions. 编辑米歇尔·C. 休斯和肯·巴德利希望读者和教学同事都能记住教学的回报和意想不到的回报.

Restless Devices: Recovering Personhood, Presence and Place in the Digital Age

We're being formed by our devices. 今天的数字技术旨在吸引我们的注意力,并侵犯我们的界限, shaping how we relate to time and space, 对自己和他人, 甚至对上帝. 我们对关系的天然渴望使我们容易受到社交媒体“工业化”效应的影响. While we enjoy the benefits of digital tech, 我们中的许多人对它的力量感到不安,对它对永久连接的要求感到疲惫. 然而,即使我们不再抱有幻想, attempting to resist the digital "powers that be" might seem like a losing battle.

社会学家Felicia Wu Song多年来一直在研究生活在数字生态系统中的个人和集体动态. In this book she combines psychological, 神经系统, 社会学见解和神学反思,探索两个主要问题:有了个人技术,我们会变成什么样的人? 我们到底想成为什么样的人?