Magazine Spring 2024 Women Mentoring Women

Denise Jackson

78年的老朋友丹尼斯·杰克逊和77年的泰瑞·布拉德福德·劳斯发起了一项新的倡议,以促进共同的激情:女性指导女性. The six-week pilot Women’s Mentoring Program kicked off in February, well-timed to support Women’s History Month in March. 最初,韦斯特蒙特ag娱乐官网的一些女性将在高年级指导女学生. 随着项目的进行,泰瑞和丹尼斯希望能扩大参与的人数.

Both of these alumnae, who also serve on the college’s board of trustees, have gained extensive experience as mentors. 丹尼斯的职业生涯一直在人力资源部门工作,负责监督员工的发展. She focuses on advising women as they build their careers. Teri has worked with college women much of her professional life. Now retired, 她获得了精神导师的认证,并致力于鼓励女性在ag娱乐官网中成长. 他们每个人都写了一份课程,供导师在一个结构化的项目中遵循:一个是专业发展,一个是精神指导. The former focuses on teaching young women about calling, navigating the workplace, advocating for themselves and planning for the future; the latter provides tools for listening to God, growing in faith and serving others.

“Women in their early 20s face a variety of challenges, 我们想激起他们的欲望,去寻找能帮助他们驾驭生活的人.” – Denise Jackson ’78

78年的老朋友丹尼斯·杰克逊和77年的泰瑞·布拉德福德·劳斯发起了一项新的倡议,以促进共同的激情:女性指导女性. The six-week pilot Women’s Mentoring Program kicked off in February, well-timed to support Women’s History Month in March. 最初,韦斯特蒙特ag娱乐官网的一些女性将在高年级指导女学生. 随着项目的进行,泰瑞和丹尼斯希望能扩大参与的人数.

Both of these alumnae, who also serve on the college’s board of trustees, have gained extensive experience as mentors. 丹尼斯的职业生涯一直在人力资源部门工作,负责监督员工的发展. She focuses on advising women as they build their careers. Teri has worked with college women much of her professional life. Now retired, 她获得了精神导师的认证,并致力于鼓励女性在ag娱乐官网中成长. 他们每个人都写了一份课程,供导师在一个结构化的项目中遵循:一个是专业发展,一个是精神指导. The former focuses on teaching young women about calling, navigating the workplace, advocating for themselves and planning for the future; the latter provides tools for listening to God, growing in faith and serving others.

该指南鼓励导师每周花60到90分钟与他们所建议的年轻女性在一起, selecting their own days and times. The curricula include more than enough content for these meetings, which can occur in person or by Zoom. “导师可以挑选最适合自己的信息,”丹尼斯说. “我们还希望在导师和学员之间配对人生目标,以确保存在某种亲和力.

“我们希望找到韦斯特蒙特大学的女性和与学院有关的人,她们以前曾担任过导师,可以分享她们生活中的经验和观点. Eventually, 我们会要求超过六周的承诺,这样导师就可以帮助学生驾驭他们的大学生涯.”

2月15日,泰瑞和丹尼斯举行了Zoom的培训,向导师介绍了课程和项目的目标. “Women in their early 20s face a variety of challenges, 我们想激起他们的欲望,去寻找能帮助他们驾驭生活的人,” Denise says. “As they enter the workforce, 年轻女性可以通过学习与经验丰富的女性一起工作,以及了解如何与所有专业同事相处而受益. In these first six weeks, we expect to plant seeds rather than harvest them.”

“我们一直在思考如何最好地利用我们在指导方面的技能和热情,” Teri says. “四年前,我们提出了一些ag娱乐官网生活转变以及对女性重要的事情的想法. 这项初步的工作导致了新的课程,以专业发展和精神成长为轨道. As mentors draw on this material in advising senior women students, we’ll learn what works and how we can make it better. 我们很高兴看到这个项目的发展,希望它能产生影响,为学院和参与其中的人提供一个很好的机会. 它适用于生活中不同阶段的女性,而不仅仅是大学毕业的女性. Of course, mentoring requires more than six sessions, 我们期待在试点项目结束后扩大这一倡议.”

该指南鼓励导师每周花60到90分钟与他们所建议的年轻女性在一起, selecting their own days and times. The curricula include more than enough content for these meetings, which can occur in person or by Zoom. “导师可以挑选最适合自己的信息,”丹尼斯说. “我们还希望在导师和学员之间配对人生目标,以确保存在某种亲和力.

“我们希望找到韦斯特蒙特大学的女性和与学院有关的人,她们以前曾担任过导师,可以分享她们生活中的经验和观点. Eventually, 我们会要求超过六周的承诺,这样导师就可以帮助学生驾驭他们的大学生涯.”

2月15日,泰瑞和丹尼斯举行了Zoom的培训,向导师介绍了课程和项目的目标. “Women in their early 20s face a variety of challenges, 我们想激起他们的欲望,去寻找能帮助他们驾驭生活的人,” Denise says. “As they enter the workforce, 年轻女性可以通过学习与经验丰富的女性一起工作,以及了解如何与所有专业同事相处而受益. In these first six weeks, we expect to plant seeds rather than harvest them.”

“我们一直在思考如何最好地利用我们在指导方面的技能和热情,” Teri says. “四年前,我们提出了一些ag娱乐官网生活转变以及对女性重要的事情的想法. 这项初步的工作导致了新的课程,以专业发展和精神成长为轨道. As mentors draw on this material in advising senior women students, we’ll learn what works and how we can make it better. 我们很高兴看到这个项目的发展,希望它能产生影响,为学院和参与其中的人提供一个很好的机会. 它适用于生活中不同阶段的女性,而不仅仅是大学毕业的女性. Of course, mentoring requires more than six sessions, 我们期待在试点项目结束后扩大这一倡议.”

“I’ve worked in corporate America for 40 years,” Denise says. “I think back to my first mentor and how that person shaped


 my career. 我认识到传授指导是多么重要,因为它在帮助女性取得成功方面起着关键作用. We have unique challenges in the workplace that other women understand, and we can support and encourage each other. I’m a big proponent of connectivity, especially among women.”

丹尼斯试图指导韦斯特蒙特大学的学生,因为这所大学在她的生活中扮演了如此重要的角色. “My relationships and my closest friends all come from Westmont, whether I knew them here or have met them along the way,” she says. For three years, 她暂时离开了公司,在韦斯特蒙特担任驻院董事, an experience she values.

她于2014年加入Pacific Clinics,担任临时首席人力资源官. Throughout her career, 丹尼斯在职业教育公司从事人力资源管理工作, Regency Lighting, the Walt Disney Company, and other businesses.

“We’re excited to see where the program goes and hope it makes an impact.” – Teri Bradford Rouse ’77

She has taught human resources classes for the UCLA extension program. From 2011 to 2019, 在2020年成为受托人之前,她曾担任韦斯特蒙特董事会的校友会代表. 她毕业于韦斯特蒙特大学,获得政治学学位,并在美国大学获得公共管理硕士学位.

丹尼斯的专业发展课程反映了她卓越的高标准和对职业道德的承诺. She seeks to champion change and innovation. 作为一名导师,她利用自己作为沟通者、合作者和问题解决者的技能. “我总是寻求与不同的群体和观点建立共同点,”她说.

As her career progressed, Denise learned the importance of a balanced life. 她说:“通过一些个人挑战,我重新创造了我的生活,并安排了我的优先事项。. “I no longer define myself by my job. There are other things in my life that I want to do and be.”

Teri worked at Westmont as a resident director, director of residence life and associate dean of students from 1981 to 1998. She then held several positions in the Santa Barbara non-profit community, 包括海峡群岛基督教青年会青年和家庭服务处的执行主任. In 2008, 她回到韦斯特蒙特大学担任校友和家长关系高级主管,并于2019年退休. 她于1977年毕业于韦斯特蒙特大学,主修社会学,并在南加州大学获得了辅导员教育硕士学位,重点是大学生发展.

“At Westmont, 我生命的土壤变得更加肥沃,因为我与基督亲密无间,并对这个世界和我在其中的独特呼召进行了深刻的思考,” she says. “学习的种子扎下了根,帮助我成为一个有信念、有同情心的人. 我开始把我的ag娱乐官网与这个复杂的世界和谐地结合在一起, to ask the hard questions and to take the message of Christ into the world. 我喜欢为人们寻找创造性和有意义的方式来分享资源和人才. 这种联系的可能性是无穷无尽的,尤其是在女性之间.”

丹尼斯和泰瑞敦促韦斯特蒙特ag娱乐官网中有专业或精神导师经验的女性通过电子邮件报名成为导师 Please put “Women’s Mentorship Program” in the subject line.

泰瑞说:“我希望女性将自己视为导师,并参与到这个项目中来。. “I encourage them to consider giving their time and talent in this way. Everyone has something to offer.”