TCY22 includes 175 days on which staffing redeployment due to Covid affected our routine count collection (coded CI for Covid Impact); plus 3 days in Feb during which technical difficulties prevented capture of accurate counts.

TCY21 includes 31 Covid Days (CD; would otherwise have been SW) because the campus was vacated when classes were suspended as a result of Covid. 由于较低的流量计数,这些更像是aod,因此被聚合到该列中. 它还包括256天内,由于Covid而重新部署的人员影响了我们的常规计数收集(针对Covid影响的编码CI)。. 虽然在这个交通统计年期间没有捕获学期工作日, 在这段时间的大部分时间里,由于入学率下降和远程工作,我们的学生和员工人数都在下降, so average trip counts would have been lower than usual.

TCY20 includes 39 Covid Days (CD; would otherwise have been SW) because the campus was vacated when classes were suspended as a result of Covid. 由于较低的流量计数,这些更像是aod,因此被聚合到该列中.


TCY18 includes 37 Evacuation Days (ED; 17 would otherwise have been SW, 在托马斯大火期间,校园正处于疏散命令中, 1/9 Debris Flow, and subsequent storms. 由于较低的流量计数,这些更像是aod,因此被聚合到该列中.

Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 14-15

The cumulative 在本学期工作日和AY15交通统计年度的所有其他日子,冷泉路的平均每日交通量将列于下表.

本交通统计年的第一个“学期工作日”将是2014年9月1日星期一. The last day of this Traffic Count Year will be Thursday 5/07/15.

Period type ay15 daily averages* current limit
semester weekdays 2,701 3,500
all other days 1,658 2,500

注:8月和9月,地下公用工程干扰雷达计数器数天. 我们不知道有任何实际的方法来恢复这一时期的准确数字. 为了抵消这一影响,从10月1日开始,剩余时间的ADT计数将开始计算.

* -此处显示的是年初至今的值,每次发布另一组数据时都会更新.

Click here for more detailed traffic counts from TCY15.

Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 13-14

The cumulative 在本学期工作日和AY14交通统计年度的所有其他日子,冷泉路的平均每日交通量将列于下表.

本交通统计年的第一个“学期工作日”是2013年8月26日星期一. The last day of this Traffic Count Year will be Thursday 4/30/14.

period type ay14 daily averages* current limit
semester weekdays 2,797 3,500
all other days 1,555 2,500

* -此处显示的是年初至今的值,每次发布另一组数据时都会更新.

Click here for more detailed traffic counts from TCY14.

Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 12-13

The cumulative 在本学期工作日和AY13交通统计年度的所有其他日子,冷泉路的平均每日交通量将列于下表.

本交通统计年的第一个“学期工作日”是12年8月27日星期一. The last day of this Traffic Count Year was Thursday 5/2/13.

period type ay13 daily averages* current limit
semester weekdays 2,772 3,500
all other days 1,579 2,500

* -此处显示的是年初至今的值,每次发布另一组数据时都会更新. 

Click here for more detailed traffic counts from TCY13

Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 11-12

The cumulative 在本学期工作日和AY12交通统计年度的所有其他日子,冷泉路的平均每日交通量将列于下表.

本交通统计年的第一个“学期工作日”是2011年8月29日星期一. The last day of this Traffic Count Year was Thursday 5/3/12.

period type ay12 daily averages* current limit
semester weekdays 2,758 3,500
all other days 1,542 2,500

* -此处显示的是年初至今的值,每次发布另一组数据时都会更新.

Click here for more detailed traffic counts from TCY12.

Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 10-11

The cumulative 在学期工作日和AY11交通统计年度的所有其他日子,冷泉路的平均每日交通量将列于下表.

本交通统计年的第一个“学期工作日”是星期一8/30/10. The last day of this Traffic Count Year was Thursday 5/5/11.

While Completing Phase I Construction


period type ay11 daily averages* current limit
semester weekdays 2,746 3,758
all other days 1,716 2,650
After Completing Construction

The values here run from November 23,2010, 与第一期工程有关的新建筑工程的最后一个许可证发出后的第一天.

period type ay11 daily averages* current limit
semester weekdays 2,905 3,458
all other days **1,444 2,500

* -此处显示的是年初至今的值,每次发布另一组数据时都会更新.

** -由于2010年11月23日重新开始计算,并且从那时起包括感恩节和圣诞节假期, this value appears abnormally low. 2011年4月和5月前5天的平均气温为2121天.

Click here for more detailed traffic counts from TCY11.

Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 09-10

The cumulative 在本学期工作日和AY10交通统计年度的所有其他日子,冷泉路的平均每日交通量将列于下表.

本交通统计年的第一个“学期工作日”是星期一8/31/9. The last day of this Traffic Count Year was Thursday 5/6/10.

period type ay10 daily averages* current limit
semester weekdays 3,077 3,718
all other days 1,633 2,650

每天的累计车次增加了30次,以反映茶茶大火后只有5户人家有正常的交通流量, rather than the eight which existed previously. Once construction is underway for rebuilding on those properties, the count value will be adjusted accordingly. (The monthly counts before August do not reflect this adjustment.)

* -此处显示的是年初至今的值,每次发布另一组数据时都会更新.

Click here for more detailed traffic counts from TCY10.

Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 08-09

The cumulative 在本学期工作日和AY09交通统计年度(5/2/8开始)的所有其他日子,冷泉路的平均每日交通量归因于韦斯特蒙.

Prior to Commencing Construction

The values here pre-date the issuance of building permits on 11/12/8.

period type ay09 daily averages  current limit
semester weekdays 2,479 3,418
all other days 1,437 2,500
After Commencing Construction

The values here run from 11/12/8, the date building permits were issued, thru 5/7/9, the end of the Academic Year 08-09 Traffic Count Year.

period type ay09 daily averages* current limit
semester weekdays 3,047 3,718
all other days 1,480 2,650

* -在2008年11月13日之后的累积平均每日车次增加30次,以反映在茶水大火后的交通统计年度的余额中,只有5户家庭维持正常交通, rather than the eight which existed previously. (每月的统计数据是在考虑这个因素之前公布的,and do not reflect this adjustment.)

Click here for more detailed traffic counts from TCY09

Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 07-08

The cumulative 在本学期工作日和AY08交通统计年度的所有其他日子,冷泉路归因于韦斯特蒙特的平均每日车次如下.

period type ay08 daily averages* current limit
semester weekdays 2,822 3,418
all other days 1,644** 2,500

* -此处显示的是年初至今的值,每次发布另一组数据时都会更新. 
** -不包括2007年夏季学生提前返回秋季学期. Counters were operational as of 8/7/7.

Click here for more detailed traffic counts from TCY08.