你需要知道的事情 一般信息

审核登记: An audit registration is a non-credit registration for the student who wishes to attend the lectures in a course or take advantage of learning experiences in musical ensembles or private lessons without examinations, homework, papers, 练习时数记录, 或评价. 所有审计将收取所需的课程费用. 

The instructor's signature must be obtained on an add/drop form for audit registration. This typically does not occur prior to the first day of the semester so that the instructor can determine whether or not there is space in the class.


An audit may be dropped at any time until the last day of classes without penalty or record by submitting an add/drop form to the Student Records Office.

A grade of "AU" will appear on the student's transcript only if the instructor indicates that the student adequately participated as an auditor. A student who does not complete the audit and has not dropped it prior to the last day of classes will receive a "WX" grade for an unofficial withdrawal. A student who wishes to remove the course from the transcript must submit a request to the Registrar. 40美元的逾期处理费将被记入学生的账户.

封闭的类: 等候名单信息可供教师查阅. 如有任何等候名单问题,请咨询指导老师.

并发招生: (enrollment for credit at another school while enrolled at Westmont) may be considered under the following conditions: the student is enrolled for a minimum of 12 units at Westmont, 这门课程在韦斯特蒙大学不开设, and the value of the particular course to the degree program is clearly established. Concurrent enrollment is appropriate for program enrichment or for solving serious class scheduling conflicts where a required course cannot be scheduled within the student’s remaining Westmont program. Petitions for concurrent enrollment must be submitted to the Student Records Office prior 报名参加并行课程.

费用/退款: Music lesson fees are not refundable after the first lesson or after the Friday of the second week of classes. Science lab fees and other course fees are only refundable prior to the first day of the semester. 有关完整的退款政策,请参阅韦斯特蒙特学院目录. 问题应向商务办公室提出. 

一年级学生: First year students may ONLY register for courses numbered from 000 - 099 in fall semester. 他们不允许注册高级课程,编号100 - 199.


  1. 在教练的同意下, 学生可以注册他或她的任何选修课程为及格/无学分. Courses taken to meet major and minor requirements and general education requirements (except PEA) must be graded on the "letter grade" scale. Courses taken in the major or minor department after the major and minor requirements are satisfied may be taken P/NC.
  2. 通过/无学分注册每年仅限8个单元, 一学期不超过4个单元,外加一门PEA课程. Under this option, unless stated otherwise in the syllabus, A through D- = P; F = NC. Students planning graduate study should consult departmental advisors before registering for Pass/No Credit.
  3. Students must file the "Request to Change Course Grading to Pass/No Credit (P/NC)" form requesting this change at the Student Records Office by the published deadline. 在航路点上不能选择P/NC.


  1. 韦斯特蒙的标准做法是给字母等级. 由教练决定, 课程,如实习, 独立学习, seminars, 和某些其他课程可能只提供及格/无学分. 教员评分惯例在学期开始时公布.
  2. Courses from which the student withdraws by the printed drop deadline will not appear on his/her record. Withdrawals between the drop deadline and the printed withdrawal deadline will be noted as “W”. Withdrawals with an approved petition after the deadline will be noted as "WP" or "WF".
  3. 当一门成绩为F或D的韦斯特蒙课程重播时, 只有两个成绩中较高者才会被计算在GPA中. F或D的原课程和成绩将, however, 留在学生的永久学习记录上. 如果学生之前的成绩为D,则不会获得额外的学分. 如果成绩达到C或C以上,课程不得重修.

荣誉类: There are honors classes available which satisfy one or more of the general education requirements. These classes are denoted with an "H" appended to the course number, for example, ENG-006H-1. 荣誉课程对成绩为3分的学生开放.50 career GPA at Westmont or to new students who are Augustinians or President's Scholars. Provost's Scholars may petition to enroll in honors courses by contacting the Student Records Office.

导师的同意: 大多数课程不需要教师的同意. However, if instructor's consent is required, you will not be able to register yourself in the class. You must contact the instructor and have him/her post a permission or add you to the course if:

  1. 该课程特别指定为“需要讲师同意”."
  2. 你想注册一门你没有满足的课程.
  3. 该部分已关闭,您希望从等待列表中添加.

实习/实习: This process starts during the normal Waypoint registration period with enrollment in a major practicum (EB-190, ART-190, SOC-190, etc.)或选修实习课程(APP-190或APP-190SS). Be sure to enter the number of units you are planning to earn when you register on Waypoint. Make certain that when these units are added they will not place you in an overload unless you qualify to take 19-21 units. 一旦你获得了实习机会, 使用在线应用学习协议表格(ALAF)完成您的注册. 要访问在线ALAF,请访问9obl.hebhgkq.com/internships. On the 学生信息 页面选择,“在线ALAF”下 Forms 在左边菜单上. 一旦你提交了ALAF的一部分, 现场主管, 教师讲师, director of internships and the Student Records Office will be brought into the approval process, ALAF应在公布的截止日期前处理. Students are responsible for making sure the registration process has been completed. 如果不这样做,可能会导致滞纳金和/或影响成绩.

校外项目: Students confirmed to an Off Campus Program will not be permitted to register for on campus classes.

Overload:累积平均分不低于3分的学生.00 or a 3.00 term GPA in each of the previous two semesters (12 unit minimum) or Presidential and Augustinian scholars in their first semester may enroll in a maximum of 20 units + 1 PEA . 额外的单位不另收费.

体育教育: Fitness for Life (PEA 032) should be completed by first-year and transfer students during their first year of enrollment. 每学期只有一门PEA课程,所以请做好相应的计划. 特定活动中的后续PEA课程必须处于更高的水平.

研究和教程: 所有教程和研究课程都需要提交完整的申请. 表格可在学生档案办公室和教务处网站上获得. 在印刷截止日期之后,滞纳金为40美元.00人将被评估.

校运动: The first time you register for your varsity sport you need to register for the lower-division course number. After you have taken it one time you need to register for the upper-division course number each subsequent time.