学生生活手册:政策和程序 安全无毒学校和ag娱乐官网法案

符合《无毒学校和ag娱乐官网法》, Westmont has adopted and implemented policies that are intended to prevent the unlawful possession, 使用, or 制造 of illegal drugs and the ab使用 of prescription drugs by students and employees. Substance ab使用 exposes the 使用r to a variety of significant health risks*, affects the family and the community and under certain circumstances subjects the 使用r to a range of college sanctions, 状态, 联邦和地方的处罚**. College policy prohibits the unlawful 使用 and presence of all controlled substances and any related paraphernalia. Students and employees are also prohibited from exceeding the dosage of physician-prescribed medications or consuming another individual’s prescription medication.

Violation of college policy with respect to drug 使用 or possession is a serious breach of our behavioral expectations, and students who violate this policy are subject to the full range of disciplinary consequences, 包括被学校开除. 当有理由怀疑学生吸毒时, the college may request that the student submit to a drug test as part of the student conduct process. The student may ref使用 the test; however, the college may draw negative inferences from that refusal. Random drug testing is a typical sanction for a student who is found responsible for a drug related violation.

If you need help or know someone with a drug-related problem, please know that Health Center and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provide confidential consultations and also make referrals to outside counseling and treatment services. 教师 and staff may contact Human Resources to access help that is available through Westmont’s Employee Assistance Program.


The risk of many harmful health conditions associated with the 使用 and ab使用 of alcohol and drugs are significant and include but are not limited to:

  • 抑郁症
  • 焦虑
  • 神经系统损伤
  • 肾功能衰竭
  • 肝硬化
  • 支气管炎、呼吸衰竭和心力衰竭
  • 癌症
  • 死亡

For more information on the health risks associated with the 使用 and ab使用 of alcohol and drugs visit the 国家药物滥用研究所.

**State, Local and Federal Penalties for 酒精 and Drug Violations

所有与非法占有有关的法律, 使用, 制造, 出售 or furnishing of alcohol and other drugs do not appear 在这里. Members of the Westmont community are responsible for knowing and abiding by all current and applicable laws.


在加利福尼亚州, 未满21岁人士不得购买, 饮用或持有含酒精的饮料. 除了, it is against California law to sell or furnish alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 years of age. 任何销售的人, 提供了, gives or ca使用s to be sold an alcoholic beverage to any person under the age of 21 is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of $250 and/or no more than 32 hours of community service for the first offense with increased penalties for additional violations.

Any person under the age of 21 who purchases alcoholic beverages or consumes alcoholic beverages is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of $250 and/or no more than 32 hours of community service for the first offense with increased penalties for additional violations.

Westmont prohibits the presence or consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus and at off-campus Westmont student-sponsored related activities. Any student in the presence of alcohol on campus (regardless of who actually owns it or who brought it to campus) will be considered in violation of this policy.

Westmont prohibits the presence of full or empty alcoholic beverage containers anyw在这里 on campus, 包括车辆. Students are responsible to ensure that no guest brings full or empty alcohol containers on campus.


鸦片,兴奋剂 & 合成代谢类固醇

根据联邦和州法律, 非法买卖, 运输, 制造, furnishing or possession of certain opiate and stimulant drugs, 比如阿得拉, 利他林, 阿普唑仑, 羟考酮和类固醇, 重罪会被处以州监禁吗, 罚款及/或没收财产. 进一步, the law 提供了 for sentencing enhancement that will increase the severity of penalties for certain offenses.


Westmont students may not possess or consume marijuana on or off campus. Marijuana remains a schedule I drug under the Federal Controlled Substance Act. 占有, 培养, 出售, distribution and/or consumption of marijuana remains illegal under federal law and is a violation of college policy and subject to the full range of disciplinary sanctions.


You can find information regarding the 状态 penalties for 出售 and/or possession of illicit drugs 在这里.


While the 状态 of California permits the licensed 使用 of marijuana under its Compassionate Use Act, 出售, 使用, and possession of marijuana remains unlawful under federal law. T在这里fore, the college prohibits its 使用, 出售 or possession both on and off campus.

Suspension of Eligibility for Federal Student Aid for Drug Related 进攻s

毒品犯罪也会影响经济援助资格. A student who has been criminally convicted of any offense under any federal or 状态 law involving the possession or 出售 of a controlled substance is ineligible to receive any federal financial aid (including any grant, 贷款, 或工作协助). Financial aid eligibility will be suspended beginning on the date of any conviction and ending at the time specified below:

进攻 无被选资格的时期
1日进攻 1年
第二次进攻 2年
3日进攻 不定
进攻 无被选资格的时期
1日进攻 2年
第二次进攻 & 之后 不定

你可以找到更多ag娱乐官网资格的信息 在这里.

