教务长办公室 教育的有效性


本学年, we are assessing student learning in relation to the Global Awareness outcome, ,上面写着, Westmont graduates will recognize global interconnectivity and opportunities , and analyze the systemic dimensions of major global challenges, informed by a biblical vision of justice, 责任, 和爱. 

Dr. Heather Keaney (History) serves as our Lead Assessment Specialist for Global Awareness.

Global Awareness Assessment Team include: 

Dr. Katheryne Bryant (Political Science)
Dr. 玛丽博士(现代语言)
Dr. 帕蒂·亨特(数学)


在2023-2024年间, we assessed student learning in relation to the Quantitative Literacy outcome ,上面写着, Graduates of Westmont College will apply relevant scientific, mathematical and logical methods to analyze and solve problems effectively.


Dr. Anna Aboud (Mathematics) served as our QL ILO Lead Assessment Specialist. 

Quantitative Literacy team includes:
Dr. 迈克尔·埃佛勒斯(化学)
Dr. Carolyn Mitten (Education/Liberal Studies)

You can find the Summary of the Quantitative Literacy report 在这里 还有报告的全文 在这里.


在2021-2022学年, we assessed student learning in relation to the Information Literacy outcome ,上面写着, Graduates of Westmont College will strategically reSearch, 明智的评价, and ethically integrate sources in various contexts. 

Dr. Jana Mayfield Mullen served as our IL ILO Lead Assessment Specialist. 
Information Literacy Assessment Team included:
Dr. 霍莉·比尔斯(宗教研究)
Dr. T在这里sa Covich (Library Academic Support Manager)
Dr. Enrico Manlapig (Economics and Business)
Dr. Ogechi Nwaokelemeh(人体运动学)
Dr. 劳拉·德雷克·舒尔泰斯(生物学)
Sonya Welch (Coordinator of Academic Support Services)

You can find the Information Literacy report 在这里.

2020 - 2021:多样性

In 2020-2021, we assessed our Diversity Institutional Learning Outcome which reads, Westmont graduates will effectively analyze topics and human experiences using categories such as race, 种族, 性别, 性, 社会经济地位, and disability with respect to a biblical vision of human flourishing.

Diversity Assessment team includes:

Dr. Dinora Cardoso (Spanish), Lead Assessment Specialist for Diversity ILO Assessment
Dr. 丽莎·德波尔(艺术)
Dr. 阿利斯特·查普曼(历史)
Dr. 迈克尔·埃佛勒斯(化学)
Dr. 布雷克·肯特(社会学和国际关系)
Dr. Scott Lisea(大学牧师)
Dr. Kya Mangrum(英文)
Dr. Tatiana Nazarenko (Dean of Curriculum and EE)
Dr. 卡梅尔·萨阿德(心理学
Dr. 梅雷迪思·惠特纳(社会学)

你可以找到多样性报告 在这里.


In 2019-2020, we accessed student learning in relation to the Critical Thinking ILO which reads,  Westmont毕业生 will accurately evaluate the strength of evidence in support of a claim.

Critical Thinking Assessment Team includes:

Dr. Jim Taylor (Philosophy), Lead Assessment Specialist for Critical Thinking Assessment
Dr. 史蒂夫·康塔克斯(化学)
Dr. Edd Noell (Economics and Business)
Dr. 兰迪·范德梅(英语)
Dr. Angela D'Amour(学生生活)

You can find the summary of the Critical Thinking Assessment report 在这里 完整的报告 在这里.

2018-2019: Christian Understanding, Practices and Affections; Written Communication

We have completed assessment of Christian Understanding, Practices and Affections and Written Communication ILOs and are interpreting the data.

The Written Communication ILO reads, Westmont毕业生 write effectively in various contexts.

CUPA ilo上写道:

Westmont graduates will demonstrate literacy in biblical and orthodox Christian faith;

Westmont graduates will demonstrate faithfulness in Christian service.

The CUPA assessment team includes:

  • Dr. 丽莎·德波尔(艺术), Lead Assessment Specialist for CUPA
  • Dr. Sandra Richter (Religious Studies), CUPA Consultant
  • Dr. Caryn Reeder, (Religious Studies), CUPA team member
  • Dr. Scott Lisea(大学牧师), CUPA team member
  • Dr. Jana Mayfield Mullen (Library), GE Assessment Coordinator and CUPA team member
  • Shannon Balram (学生生活), team member
  • Tim Wilson (学生生活), team member

You can find the Executive Summary of the CUPA ILO assessment 在这里 还有报告的全文 在这里.

The Written Communication assessment team includes:

  • Dr. Sarah Skripsky (English) Lead Assessment Specialist for Written Communication
  • Dr. T在这里sa Covich (English), Written Communication team member



The Office of 教育的有效性 in partnership with the Academic Senate, 项目评审, and 通识教育 Committees is committed to sustaining a culture of inquiry and improvement of student learning by implementing systematic assessment and promoting program quality.


  • provide support and training on curriculum development; outcome-based learning; and assessment design and data collection, 分析, 以及对教员的实施, 课外学习专家, 学术图书馆员, 和部门
  • support faculty 和部门 in the integration and assessment of college-wide 通识教育 initiatives
  • facilitate documentation of educational effectiveness through six-year program review and annual assessment update reports
  • locate and disseminate best pedagogical practices and assessment scholarship
  • enhance the visibility and recognition for quality assessment resulting in the enhancement of student learning
  • share assessment data with the college leadership to assist them in data-guided decision-making
  • support faculty participation in assessment-related regional and national conferences and workshops
  • provide training and support for conducting assessments in AMS.