教育成效资源 评估资源



  • 建立清晰、可衡量的学生学习预期结果
  • ensuring that students have sufficient opportunities to achieve these outcomes
  • 系统地收集, analyzing and interpreting evidence to determine how well student learning matches our expectations
  • using the resulting information to understand and improve student learning

直接评估方法 包括标准化和本地开发的测试, 学生的投资组合, 嵌入式评估和课程活动, 口试(能力面试)

间接评估方法 包括调查、访谈、焦点小组和反思性文章

嵌入的评估 发生在常规课堂或课程活动中. Class assignments linked to student learning outcomes through primary trait 分析 serve as grading and assessment instruments (i.e.,常见的测试问题,项目或写作作业). Specific questions can be embedded on exams in classes across courses, 部门, 项目, 或者机构. Embedded assessment can provide formative information for pedagogical improvement and student learning needs.

真实的评价 simulates a real world experience by evaluating the student’s ability to apply critical thinking and knowledge or to perform tasks that may approximate those found in the work place or other venues outside of the classroom setting. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, traditional assessment sometimes relies on indirect or proxy items such as multiple choice questions focusing on content or facts.

评估审查周期 是过程吗?, 也叫闭合循环, 哪一个是学生学习成果创造的完成, 数据收集, 分析, 和重新评估


The one-minute paper is a simple and low-tech classroom assessment device:  

  • Conclude the regular class lecture or discussion a minute or two before the end of the class.
  • 让每个学生拿出一张纸,写下来, 匿名, 对两个问题的简短回答:
    1. What is the big point, the main idea that you learned in class today?你今天离开课堂的主要问题是什么?
    2. 什么是“最混乱”的点?
  • Collect student responses (you may place a box next to the door of the classroom and students will drop their papers into the box as they leave) and riffle through them. 通常需要5-10分钟.
  • You will be surprised at how quickly you will learn exactly what the students understood, 他们不清楚的是什么, 甚至可能得到一些ag娱乐官网如何开始下一节课的好主意, 为了回应这些一分钟的论文.


  1. 它需要学生更积极地倾听.
  2. It helps students identify for themselves how they are doing in your class.
  3. 它提高和集中学生的写作. Responses during the last week of a class are usually longer and more thoughtful and articulate than those during the early weeks.
  4. It helps document for students that they are indeed learning something substantial in the course.
  5. It can be documented as an indirect assessment technique for assessment purposes.
    (adapted from Making the Most of the College: Students Speak Their Minds by Richard Light, 2001)



  • SLO definition Student learning outcomes (SLOs) are the specific observable or measurable results that are expected subsequent to a learning experience. 这些结果可能涉及知识(认知), 技能(行为), or attitudes (affective) that provide evidence that learning has occurred as a result of a specified course, 项目活动, 或流程. SLO指的是课程的总体结果(CLO)。, 学位或证书课程(PLO和通识教育SLO), 学生服务区(如图书馆), 或制度成果(劳工组织).
  • slo的基本特点:
    • 与机构/项目的使命和目标一致
    • 现实的
    • 数量很少
    • 可估价的
    • Used by faculty/staff to set priorities and make data-guided decisions concerning curriculum, 教育学, 老师的支持, 学生支持, 资源分配.
  • 学生学习成果的类型
    • 院校学习成果(ILOs)
    • 项目学习成果(PLOs)
    • 通识教育学生学习成果(GE SLOs)
    • 课程学习成果(CLOs)






A rubric is scoring guide in the form of a list of chart that describes the criteria that faculty use to evaluate student learning in relation to specific learning outcomes or grade completed student assignments. Rubrics are composed of four basic parts in which faculty set out the parameters for student learning or the assignment:

  • 任务描述
  • 一种等级(三、四或五分制). While developing a scale it is important to be clear about expectations and yet not to discourage students even if their performance is below faculty's expectations.
  • 学生学习或作业的维度
  • 描述构成每个性能级别的内容
  • 整体评估准则 do not have a list of the things faculty are looking for in student performance. It usually contains a short description of the highest level of performance expected for each dimension, 然后在“评论”栏中留下打分和描述的空间. 整体评分标准有三个主要缺点:
  1. 使用这个标准来分配分数是很困难的
  2. 他们不会对学生的优缺点给出反馈
  3. They require considerable additional explanation in the form of written notes and are more time-consuming that assessment or grading with a three-to-five-level rubric.
  • 分析题目 explicitly document faculty standards for student performance at all levels. 它需要时间来发展简洁, explicit descriptions of every performance level for everything faculty are looking for in student performance. Analytical rubrics are a good choice under the following circumstances:
  1. 教师 are undertaking important assessments whose results may contribute to major decisions such as program quality, 可行性和可持续性.
  2. 几位教员正在集体评估学生的作业, because analytical rubrics' clear descriptions make scoring consistent across faculty.
  3. It is important to give students clear, detailed feedback on their strengths and weaknesses.
  4. Skeptical audience will be examining the rubric scores with a critical eye.

改编自 介绍规则:一个评估工具,以节省评分时间, 传达有效的反馈,促进学生学习 (2005)作者:Dannelle D. 史蒂文斯和安东尼娅·J. 利和 评估学生学习:常识指南 (2009),琳达·苏斯基著.

  • 链接到有用的指南:

  • 价值评估准则

    The VALUE (Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education) rubrics reflect faculty expectations for essential learning across the nation regardless of type of institution, 任务, 大小或位置. The AACU rubric development teams relied on existing campus rubrics when available, 其他ag娱乐官网成果的组织声明, experts in the respective fields and faculty feedback from campuses throughout the process.  Each VALUE rubric contains the most common and broadly shared criteria or core characteristics considered critical for judging the quality of student work in that outcome area.

    You need to register by inputting your email address on the AACU website so that you can receive access to the 价值评估准则. 注册是免费的.